mardi, février 21, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me

Well today is my birthday; I am 26 (but not officially until 12:18 p.m.). I feel good...I still feeel about 22 or 23 but I tend to embrace getting older. It just seems to be other people who continue to reminding me that I'm getting closer to 30 but that's still 4 years away....

desideratum -- n; plural desiderata: Something desired or considered necessary

"A woman has the age she deserves"
--- Coco Chanel

mardi, février 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day everyone. I hope you all have wonderful days today! And for all my single folk like me out there, hopefully next year will be a better year. Also, if you're so inclined, please check out my article on --- I'm on the front page "Remote Couture" by Courtney Young. I don't agree with the blurb they used to describe the article but let me know what you think about the article itself.

spoony -- adj: 1. Foolish; silly; excessively sentimental. 2. Foolishly or sentimentally in love.

"Before I can live with other folks I've got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience"
--- Harper Lee

dimanche, février 12, 2006

Chica Luna Showcase

So last year I was a member of the Chica Luna's F-Word Program, a program dedicated to training women of color in various media forms, specifically film. So our official film showcase is March 13th. Though my film is not quite finished yet, I will be doing a staged reading of it. Happy Snow Day to all those in New York!

eleemosynary -- adj: 1. Of or for charity; charitable; as, "an eleemosynary institution."2. Given in charity or alms; having the nature of alms; as, "eleemosynary assistance."3. Supported by charity; as, "eleemosynary poor."

"Before I can live with other folks I've got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience"
--- Harper Lee

samedi, février 11, 2006

Celebrity Foolishness

So Britney Spears never really bothered me until this past week . She reached a new level of foolishness. How is driving with your 4 month old baby in your lap going to defend him from the paparazzi? Its a shame that celebrities are the role models now... Where is the common sense....?

labile -- adj: 1. Open to change; apt or likely to change; adaptable.2. Constantly or readily undergoing chemical, physical, or biological change or breakdown; unstable.

"For a woman to explore and express the fullness of her sexuality, her emotional and intellectual capacities, would enrail who knows what risks and who knows what truly revolutionary alteration of the social conditions that demean and constrain her. Or she may go on trying to fit herself into the order of the world and thereby constrain herself forever to the bondage of some stereotype of normal feminity --- a perversion, if you will".
----Louise J. Kaplan

mardi, février 07, 2006

I Need Your Honest Opinion...

So I have an idea that may work. I am working on a a short story collection and trying to submit some of my short stories to journals for publication, thus...I'm going to include about 2 pages of my first story "Nutty Kisses" that I am submitting to various journals. If you have some time, could you give me your thoughts....

I haven’t had a single dream since the night my brother died. My head is empty and remains that way until morning, when mom throws the towel soaked with ice cold water on my face, claiming that’s the only way she can get me up in enough time to have some breakfast and get to school. I hate having an empty head. I like the motion and clutter of a head filled with boy mischief and this emptiness rates second only to the death of my brother. I thought that by sleeping in his room I could channel him through osmosis or something, filling my head with memories of us --- but nothing. My head is just as blank as the day he died. It’s that life sized poster of Pam Grier as Foxy Brown above his bed that I thought would most bring back my dreams. I’d stare at that picture for hours, almond butter colored Foxy in that green dress and get hot all over, remembering how my brother loved her and how I came to love her through him. I would fall asleep at the foot of Samson’s bed with the nightlight on just staring at Foxy, remembering every curve of her body in my head before I drifted off to sleep, hoping that she would stay with me through the night. But even Foxy escaped me and I was left with emptiness all night long.
I even included Foxy’s image in the documentary I’m making on my Samson’s life. I want to finish it in time for them to play it at what would have been his high school graduation. I spend most of my days after school and football practice editing the footage I have, mostly from his football games. And each day I edit I see more and more of Samson’s girlfriend Dee Dee, the Jezebel that murdered my brother. I was silently enraged when my mother let her attend the funeral saying that Dee Dee couldn’t be held responsible for what happened. “God called Samson home that night”, she told me over and over again. Yet I couldn’t shake Dee Dee’s involvement in it all. I guess I need someone to blame and since she caused his death, I feel like my anger is justified.
I was there the night Samson took his last breath. Dee Dee and I were in the stands amongst the thousands of onlookers as Samson played the best game of his high school career against the Cougars that night. When we were growing up I thought God used his best tools to make Samson and saved the leftovers for me. At 6”4, 230 lbs., he was huge and a great football talent, making Samson one of the best and most remembered quarterbacks at my school. He wore an afro all through school but shaved it off, ‘cause he said he wanted a new look for college. Me, I was tall for my age about 6ft. and only 14 but I was 160lbs. soaking wet. Samson used to call me JJ Evans, to get me mad and it always worked. “JJ hand me my helmet!” “JJ pass me the remote!”. I hated the reference but loved the attention from Samson. Everyone wanted a piece of him --- my parents, Dee Dee, the school, the team --- so I was happy when I got my chance.
That night the crowd pulsed with excitement as Samson scored touchdown after touchdown. Dee Dee and I were in the stands cheering him on; I was eating a hot dog and Dee Dee guzzling down some hot salted peanuts. After the game, they both ditched me to make out while I was stuck carrying his football equipment to the car. Later, according to Dee Dee, about three minutes into kissing, Samson began to have trouble breathing. At first, she said, he just laughed it off and said she took his breath away. She laughed too but when Samson’s breathing became more frantic and his throat and face began to swell, they both began to panic. Dee Dee ran to the parking lot and found me in the car. We raced back to behind the bleachers but Samson was already unconscious. Twenty minutes later he was dead.

quondam -- adj. :Having been formerly; former; sometime.

"For a woman to explore and express the fullness of her sexuality, her emotional and intellectual capacities, would enrail who knows what risks and who knows what truly revolutionary alteration of the social conditions that demean and constrain her. Or she may go on trying to fit herself into the order of the world and thereby constrain herself forever to the bondage of some stereotype of normal feminity --- a perversion, if you will".
----Louise J. Kaplan

samedi, février 04, 2006

Remembering Betty Friedan

The first time I read The Feminine Mystique I was as a high schooler. I re-read the book as a college student. I completed my third revisioning of the book as a master's student. To this day I remain impressed with the astuteness of Friedan's articulation of the "feminine mystique" at a time when women's voices and bodies were so vehemently surpressed. Though I never completely related to this work, primarily because of its erasure of race in her feminine mystique critique, I nonetheless think its an important book and have it in my own personal canon. A brilliant student who graduated from Smith College summa cum laude with a BA in Psychology, Freidan wrote The Feminine Mystique as a suburban housewife and mother.

"Gradually, without seeing it clearly for quite a while, I came to realize that something is very wrong with the way American women are trying to live their lives today," Friedan wrote in the opening line of the preface. "I sensed it first as a question mark in my own life, as a wife and mother of three small children, half-guiltily, and therefore half-heartedly, almost in spite of myself, using my abilities and education in work that took me away from home." The next 400 pages of the book seemed like something from The Stepford Wives. Drawing on a motley of disciples from psychology to economics to history and sociology as well as personal interviews with middle class women from across the country, Friedan asserted that the myth of the fulfilled, contented suburban housewife was just that, a myth. She stated that women were quite the opposite, completely unfulfilled, stunted and trapped in monotony and oppression.

I am consistently in a state of sadness and shock when so many greats pass on. Who will continue the important work that people like Betty Friedan pioneered?

stertorous -- adj: characterized by a heavy snoring or gasping sound; hoarsely breathing

"A woman is handicapped by her sex, and handicaps society, either by slavishly copying the pattern of man's advance in the professions, or by refusing to compete with man at all"
--- Betty Friedan